Snowy days in Niihama
Well this week was improvement from last week for sure. We had a family home evening with the Igari's and Mizuki-chan and one other young woman in the branch, Itsuki-chan. We had stew and root beer and chips and salsa. then we played a get-to-know-you game and shared a message about the book of mormon. Mizuki-chan committed to read a little every day so she is now ever so slowly progressing. unfortunately its testing season here and the students are all really busy so she couldnt come to church or game night. but we did have that lady we found like two weeks ago, Yamanaka-san at church. she is way nice and seems to have interest in the Book of Mormon and God aso we made an appointment to share more with her tomorrow. Also Game Night special was awesome. only one non-member showed up but there were lots of members and everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves and liked the message we shared at the end. Oh, and it snowed for reals during game night. by for reals, i mean it snowed about 3 centimeters, but i was still like christmas. Oh yeah. So a while back i think i might have said something about it, but Cloward長老 and I found this one lady in this shop and she had this weird pendant thing that she uses to talk to her spirit. I dont know, its a bit weird. But we visited her again and she may be some kind of investigator now. we introduced the Book of Mormon and asked her if she would like to read it. So she says 聞いてもいいですか? and she the proceeds to wave her pendant around and apparently her spirit told her to read it because she accepted our commitment.
anyways probably some other stuff happened, but nothing in particular comes to mind.
So have a good week, everybody.
Elder Horton
Getting warmer in Niihama
Pretty good week this week. pretty good pretty good. We had some good
teaching opportunities with Kana-san and Yamanaka-san and the Pendulum
lady. They were all good lessons and I really was feeling like I was
teaching at the top of my game. Really the best I've ever taught. Even
so, none of them are exactly filling the font up themselves. but not
all sheep are golden. We just may have to work through a problem or
two with them. I had a companion exchange with Elder Hatch this week
which was a welcome day of having a companion who can speak english
etc. then we had Zone conference. and seeing as how it was my last
zone conference, I bore my testimony as a returning missionary. a bit
early but the deed is done. It feels a bit weird. So things are good
besides a few companionship issues at the moment. speaking of which,
he's waiting for me to be done so i'll wrap this up.
Elder Horton
another week, another email in niihama

So I don't wanna go into details, but those companionship problems i mentioned last week got a bit bad last week. And in the end, we moved our companion exchange from later in the week to that night. kind of an emergency companion exchange. I was pretty frustrated with the whole thing just because i've never had problems like this with a companion even in the slightest until now. and here i am in my last transfers and i have to worry about something so silly. but after talking a lot with elder nicholes, i started realizing some of the places the problems occurred and what i can do to avoid them. between that and having time to cool down, things are much better now. Though i've been happier. We have transfer calls next week and if it were any other mission president, i'd say there would for sure be a transfer but with president zinke, theres a good chance he'll keep us together till the end just to "teach us a lesson" or something. I guess ill know about all that next week and theres a chance you all might hear a rant about it. that or some other exciting news. one or the other. Maybe I wouldn't care as much but its been interferring with our work. this week we didnt get a whole lot done. partly because of the exchange and everything, partly because we were talking about this or that problem, partly because my companion has headaches everyday after lunch, and partly because when we do work, or heart isnt in it 100%.
Thats not to say we made no progress at all. just not really any progress worth mentioning i think.
Sorry that this is such a lame email. if it helps, my exchange with elder nicholes was a lot of fun!
Elder Horton